toasted muesliEnjoy our range of cereals made with some of nature’s tastiest ingredients, like nuts, seeds and whole grains. Choose from high fibre, protein packed, gluten free and low sugar; there’s something for everyone… Filter Productstesrttesrtprotein granolapeanuts, orange & dark chocolate protein barpeanuts, coconut & dark chocolate vegan cereal barpeanuts, almonds & salted caramel protein barpeanuts, almonds & cocoa protein barpeanuts & dark chocolate protein barpeanut & almond with walnuts & hazelnutsnuts and seeds toasted mueslimilk chocolate with peanuts & cranberriesmaple syrup, pecans & peanuts protein barlow sugar granolahazelnut & date with peanuts & almondsgluten free granolagluten free buckwheat toasted muesligluten free ancient grains toasted mueslidark chocolate with cranberries & macadamiasdark chocolate with almonds & apricotsdark chocolate & sea salt high fibre barcashew & blueberry with a yoghurt coatingapple, ginger & dark chocolate high fibre baralmond & sultana with peanuts and apricotsalmond & cranberry with pomegranate & honeyalmond & apricot with a yoghurt coatingtoasted mueslicategoriesbarscerealchocolategluten freehigh fibreproteinvegansimply fruit & nutyoghurttoasted muesligranolaingredientsseedsgluten free oatsbuckwheatwholegrain oatshoneyoatswalnutscashewsblueberriesyoghurt coatinghazelnutdatespomegranategingerapplesfigchocolatepecansmaple syruporangeprotein crispiesdark chocolatesultanascoconut blossom nectarcocoasalted caramelpeanutsapricotsalmondscranberriescoconutmacadamiashow morelessUpdateSort Most popularA-ZLatestUpdateClearSort Most popularA-ZLatestUpdateClear gluten free ancient grains toasted muesli gluten free buckwheat toasted muesli nuts and seeds toasted muesli with honey where to buy discover more place to buy our bars